The Wait is Finally Over!!! Time Trap Releases Today!!!

Time Trap

It’s finally here! Today is Time Trap’s release day, and I couldn’t be more excited! Time Trap is the second book in The Time Counselor Chronicles. The characters you love from Time Tsunami are back, and they are facing a new enemy!


yellow burstDescription of Time Trap:

Time Trap is squeaky-clean Christian fiction with a time travel twist. The story doesn’t contain any swear words or sex scenes. You can buy my book with confidence knowing that you are getting a “clean” read. Time Trap is also full of suspense. Plot twists abound, and the action has been engineered to keep you on the edge of your seat. I had so much fun creating Time Trap! I included cryptograms and clues that you can solve right along with the characters. The story also contains romance, comedy, and religious discussions. If you enjoyed Time Tsunami, I know you will love Time Trap! I’m extremely excited about this book! I had so much fun writing it—I hope you have just as much fun reading it!


firework portalTime Trap’s Back Cover Blurb:

When problems arise during a field exam, Director Peter Matthews and Dr. Laura Nelson are sent through a time portal to investigate.  While they search for their missing cadets, they encounter an enemy who is calculating and brutal—a mysterious nemesis who is holding a grudge against the TEMCO program.  As Peter and Laura race to unravel clues directing them to their kidnapped cadets, their own survival comes into question.  A deadly trap has been set, and they are forced to pit their wits against a serial killer who is intent on playing a deadly chess game through time itself.


yellow moonExcerpt from Time Trap:

Light pierced the darkness as the door to Peter and Laura’s prison swung open. In the quiet stillness, Peter stood in the shadows gripping his wire with both hands. Spider, wearing a ski mask and steel-toed boots, put a brick in the doorway and slowly advanced. Muted light shimmered on the barrel of a gun.

Peter began to sweat—his whole body quivered with the strain of waiting. He knew that with a gun in the mix, he needed to get the wire around Spider’s neck on the first try.

Spider laughed lowly as light fell on Laura. Seeing the way he was advancing toward her, Peter lunged from behind the door and wound his wire around Spider’s throat. Spider gave a strangled bellow and began to struggle. Peter grappled with him, dragging his thrashing body away from Laura. Suddenly, Spider’s gun went off. A bullet ricocheted around the room.

“Laura,” Peter shouted frantically, “get down on the floor!”

Laura dove to the ground as the gun went off again.

Spider made horrible gurgling noises as Peter tightened the wire. Peter knew those sounds were going to haunt his dreams. Spider shoved his gun over his shoulder, ramming it in Peter’s face. Peter jerked to one side. A bullet whistled past his ear.

Spider thrashed wildly as Peter gave the wire another twist. Suddenly, the wire snapped—its brittle surface strained beyond its strength. Peter’s heart plummeted. He grabbed at Spider’s neck with his bare hands, but missed. Swinging on his heel, Spider pointed his gun at Laura.

Time froze.


Time Trap’s Purchasing Links:

Amazon Kindle eBook:

Amazon Paperback:

Barnes & Noble Nook eBook:

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blue eye
I want to thank all of you for your support and encouragement! I hope you enjoy reading Time Trap just as much as I enjoyed creating it! I also want to thank our precious Lord. I wrote Time Trap during a seven-year period of extreme illness and quarantine. During those difficult years, God taught me that Romans 8:28 isn’t just a “nice idea”–it’s a reality.


For more information, please follow the links below:

My Testimony:

My Books:


Time Trap is Available for Pre-order!!!!

Time TrapHurrah!! Hurrah!! Hurrah!!!! I couldn’t be more excited! Time Trap, the sequel to Time Tsunami has just become available for pre-order! The characters you’ve come to love are back, and they’re facing a new enemy!

Time Trap is squeaky-clean Christian fiction with a time-travel twist. The story doesn’t contain any swear words or sex scenes. You can buy my book with confidence knowing that you are going to get a “clean” read. Time Trap is also full of suspense. Plot twists abound, and the action has been engineered to keep you on the edge of your seat. The story also contains romance, comedy, and religious discussions. If you enjoyed Time Tsunami, I know you will love Time Trap! I’m extremely excited about this book! I had such a fun time writing it—I hope you have just as much fun reading it!


Amazon–Kindle eBook Pre-order Link:           

Barnes & Noble–Nook eBook Pre-order Link:

Smashwords–eBook Pre-order Link:


blue spiral waveTime Trap’s Back Cover Blurb:

When problems arise during a field exam, Director Peter Matthews and Dr. Laura Nelson are sent through a time portal to investigate.  While they search for their missing cadets, they encounter an enemy who is calculating and brutal—a mysterious nemesis who is holding a grudge against the TEMCO program.  As Peter and Laura race to unravel clues directing them to their kidnapped cadets, their own survival comes into question.  A deadly trap has been set, and they are forced to pit their wits against a serial killer who is intent on playing a deadly chess game through time itself.

blue flashExcerpt from Time Trap:

Across the lab, Zeke Masters interrupted, “Director Matthews, I’m receiving an unscheduled transmission!”

Hurrying over to the GAP computer, Peter leaned over the lab tech’s shoulder and looked at the monitor. “Who is it from?”

Zeke’s fingers flew across his keyboard. “Doc and his partner.”

“It’s about time!” Peter exclaimed. “Put it through.” He motioned for Laura and nodded at her mute inquiry. “William and Gil are finally making contact.”

Laura beamed as the Staging Platform shimmered with a faint blue glow. “I can’t wait to hear what they’ve been up to.”

“Me too,” Peter said, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I’m also feeling somewhat sympathetic toward Thomas’s views about the importance of protocol. A fifty-two-hour contact delay is stretching things a bit.”

The blue glow deepened as a temporal portal was firmly established. Behind the translucent wave, the form of Dr. Ableman came into focus.

Peter blinked rapidly. William was hunched in front of the portal with a desperate look in his eyes. His hair was sticking up in wild tufts, and there was a bruise across his cheek. Seeing blood on William’s shirt, he asked in alarm, “What’s wrong? Where’s Gil?”

earth 6

Purchasing Information:


Kindle e-book: Available Now for Pre-order!

Paperback: Available June 17, 2016


Nook e-book: Available Now for Pre-order!

Paperback (order through website): Available June 17, 2016

Paperback (order through bookstores): Available in about three months


eBook: Available Now for Pre-order!

AUDIOBOOK: Available Soon


blue eyeThis journey has been so much fun, and it is because of you! Thank you all so much for your encouragement and support!


Gillyflower and William–Character Interviews


blue eye

Dear Friends,

Today, I’m going to do something different and interview Gil and William, characters from my new novel, Time Tsunami. Time Tsunami was released Friday, January 15th in a very successful book launch. I’m very grateful to all of my family and friends for their efforts in promoting my book! I really appreciate you all!

* * *

Danele: Hello, Gil and William! It’s so nice to have you with us today. Did you enjoy your flight from Washington D.C.?

Gil: (Laughing) We didn’t fly, we used a Wave Trapper portal. You see, I was running late, and Doc decided that—

blue electricWilliam: Gil! You know the rules! You aren’t supposed to discuss Wave Trappers with unauthorized personnel.

Gil: (Snorting) Unauthorized? Danele thought the trappers up. She knows all about them! Quit going all professorish on me! There’s nothing wrong with talking about—

William: I’m not worried about her, but other people are reading this interview. You shouldn’t—

Gil: (Rolling her eyes) Stop being so stuffy. You sound just like Dr. Moosly.

Danele: I’m sorry to cut in, but I do have a schedule to keep. You brought up Dr. Moosly. What did he have to say when you told him you were being interviewed?

Gil: (Groaning) What didn’t he say? For Pete’s sake, he practically blew his top. He was still quoting passages from the Fifth Edition of TEMCO’s Code of Conduct when we went through the portal. I thought he was gonna have a stroke. He’s threatening to report us when we get back. Doc will be lucky to have a job if ol’ Moosly has anything to say about it.

Danele: I’m sorry I created trouble for you. Should we cut things short?

William: I don’t see why. I can handle Dr. Moosly.

Danele: In that case, why don’t you two introduce yourselves. Tell my readers who you are and what part you play in the Temporal Counseling Program.

Gil: (Leaning forward in her chair) Shall I go first? I’d like to go first.

William: Could I stop you if I tried?

Gil: (Eyes twinkling) You’d have to try pretty hard, and I still don’t think you could do it.

William: (Chuckling) I don’t think I could either. Go right ahead—ladies first.

blue spiral waveGil: (Waving) Hi, everyone! I’m Gil Montgomery, and—

William: Shouldn’t you tell them your full name?

Gil: (Huffing and flipping her hair over her shoulder) I don’t see why! Just because my parents saddled me with a silly name doesn’t mean I have to share it! Danele’s readers don’t need to know it! No one does!

William: (Laughing) Gil’s full name is—

Gil: Hush! I mean it, you cheeseball! It’s no one’s business what—

Danele: (Loudly clearing her throat) Gil, can you explain what the TEMCO program does?

Gil: (Shifting in her chair and glaring at William) I can try, but only if the doc will stop interrupting me! I’ve never met a more infuriating man!

Danele: I’ll make him behave. Go on, Gil. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.

Gil: I’m a graduate student earning my master’s degree through NSU’s Temporal Counseling Program. TEMCO exists to train time-traveling cadets. Our job is to intervene in the lives of troubled individuals before they embark on a career of crime.

Danele: So basically, you go back through time and counsel people before they become criminals?

floating clocksGil: (Nodding) It’s super-exciting! We go back and straighten people out when they’re young—you know—before they embark on a wicked road. Through our efforts, crime rates are down all across the nation. You see, if you go back and help a bad person become good—that act ripples through time creating tons of good side effects. Victims aren’t victimized, crimes never happen, death-row inmates transform overnight into scientists, pastors, teachers—you name it. Society is better all the way around because of our efforts. I love the TEMCO program! I can’t wait to be put on staff…at least…I hope to be put on staff. (Gulping) I have to pass another test first.

Danele: You’re talking about the field exam, right?

Gil: (Nodding and grimacing) I’m so excited—and a bit freaked out. You see, I’m a senior cadet, and I have to do well on the final field exam in order to earn my Time-Counselor License. If I don’t earn it, I haven’t a chance of being put on TEMCO’s staff.

Danele: Do you think the field exam will be hard?

Gil: Hard? It’s gonna be murder! But it will also be incredibly fulfilling.

Danele: Can you explain what the field exam entails?

Gil: I’m going to be traveling twenty-four years into the past to counsel ten-year-old Danny Winston. Danny is a wonderful kid, but he’s about to make a dreadful mistake—a mistake that will launch his career of crime and lead to his eventual execution on death row. If I can get through to him, I’ll be able to help him change his future. I just hope I can do it! I’m a little nervous.

William: Gil, you’re going to do a great job with Danny!

Gil: (Chewing her lip) I sure hope so!

Danele: Now, William, can you explain your role in all this? What part do you play at TEMCO?

UniversityWilliam: I’m a college professor. I teach several classes on campus.

Gil: (Snorting) Classes? They’re more like hours of enforced torture. Your last final nearly fried my brains.

William: (Smiling) Watch it!

Danele: How do you and Gil know each other?

William: I’m her advisor, and she’s my teacher’s assistant. We’ve been working together for a long time. Actually, we’ve known each other for years. We’ve become good friends.

Gil: (Raising an eyebrow) Friends?

William: (Averting his eyes) Friends.

Gil: (Snorting) You know, Doc, you could ask me out. Its not against the rules, and I don’t think a Time Tsunami would occur if we ate a slice of pizza together.

William: This isn’t the time or the place for that discussion.

Danele: (Clearing her throat) I’ve heard that some assignments can be dangerous. Is your counseling assignment going to be dangerous, Gil?

Dark clockGil: (Shrugging) I don’t see why. Danny is only a ten-year-old kid. I can’t see what type of trouble I can get into, but if trouble crops up, I’m prepared to see things through.

Danele: Even if it means putting yourself in harm’s way?

Gil: Even then. I knew the risks when I signed up for the TEMCO program. I want to make a difference in this world. I’m not a quitter.

Danele: So, when will you be taking your field exam?

Gil: (Laughing) That depends entirely on the person reading this interview. My field exam will begin as soon as they reach the 6th chapter of Time Tsunami. I hope they decide to read the book soon—anticipation is practically killing me! The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy!! I can’t wait to see if I earn my Time-Counselor’s License!

Danele: (Smiling) Both you and William are Christians. Is there anything you’d like to tell my readers about God?

Gil: I’d tell them that God is able to give you the courage you lack. He can make you strong when you feel weak. He can lift you up when you fall down. And He can give you wisdom when you need it.

Danele: What about you, William? What would you like to say about God?

William: (Hesitating) God is faithful. I’m counting on the fact that He answers prayer.

Danele: (Nodding) Those are all good points. Well, I suppose I’d better let you two get back to NSU. I’m so glad you stopped by to talk with us.

Gil: (Laughing) I’m glad you invited us. In fact, I’m awfully glad you created us! I’m having a blast living out my adventures!

William: (Smiling) That goes for me too—although I might have put it in less “gushy” terms.

Gil: (Huffing) I don’t gush! I explain vigorously. There’s a difference!

William: (Laughing) If you say so. Come on, Gil, let’s head back to campus.

* * *

If you would like to ask Gil or William a question, simply leave a comment, and they will get back to you! 

* * *

Time TsunamiFriends, I had so much fun “interviewing” my characters today. I hope you come to love Gil and William just as much as I have! If you would like to read about their adventures, pick up a copy of Time Tsunami today. I hope you have a wonderful week! And thanks again for all of your prayers and support.


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Danele Rotharmel–Author Interview

Danele Rotharmel

Dear Friends,

For the last several months, I’ve been interviewing some of the wonderful Christian authors I’ve come to know. Today, however, I’m going to switch things up and interview myself. You see, in just FOUR days, my novel, Time Tsunami, is going to be released! Isn’t that exciting?? I’ll admit that I’m walking on air. I’ve pinched myself so many times that I’m turning black and blue. I can’t wait for Friday morning!!

Many of you have asked about my journey toward publication. For instance, why did I write a book? How did I find a publisher? What goes into getting a book published? Is the process hard? Today, I’m going to answer some of those questions.

dragonfly flower 1As far as why I wrote my book, being an author has always been a dream of mine. Time Tsunami was first written as a short story for a college creative writing class. My professor wrote in the margin of Time Tsunami that it was a “sellable” idea. I toyed with the idea of turning Time Tsunami into a novel, but I felt too busy. After college, life became even busier. Then my life took a tragic turn. A carbon monoxide leak from a faulty furnace almost killed me. The poisoning triggered extreme chemical sensitivity and partial amnesia. My health continued to worsen, and eventually, I was quarantined in my home—a situation that lasted for seven years. Partway through quarantine, my memory problems cleared up and so did the humongous case of writer’s block that my illness had also triggered. I dug through an old box of my stories and came across Time Tsunami. After rereading it, I knew it had promise, so I began crafting it into a novel. During this time, I was in extreme physical pain. I used my book as a way to distract myself. Rather than concentrating on my illness, I would concentrate on creating plot twists. Time Tsunami is full of surprises, and each one represents a personal triumph over pain. As the years of quarantine continued, I finished Time Tsunami and five other books in The Time Counselor Chronicles. Each of the six books revolve around the same cast of characters, and each is full of laughter, love, suspense, and faith. My books do not contain swear words or dirty scenes, and they represent my journey back to faith. My illness made me question the existence of God and my relationship with Him. Through my characters, I explored hard questions and found Bible-based answers. In many ways, my faith journey is expressed through my characters.

2014 CCWCAs time passed, I thought about trying to find a publisher for my book series, but I always felt a “check” in my spirit. It was as if God was telling me to wait. As my seventh year of quarantine ended, my health was restored to the point where I could take brief “field trips” from quarantine. During this time, I received a flyer from the Colorado Christian Writers Conference in Estes Park. When I saw it, I felt a prompting from God and knew I was to attend. I still became ill very easily, but I knew I needed to go. For months before I went, I prayed for God to give me a specific sign showing me which publishing group was to be the home of my books. The sign I was looking for was the acquiring editor to take my hands and ask to pray with me. I was too ill to attend any of the conference’s classes, but I attended all of my interviews. And when I was interviewed by Susan Baganz, the representative from Prism Book Group, she smiled, took my hands, and asked to pray with me. I knew then that if Prism offered me a contract, I would accept it. Five months later, Time Tsunami was under contract and scheduled to be published. I believe that God restored my ability to write, I believe He gave me my books, and I also believe that He led me to Prism. It has truly been an exciting journey.

* * *

Danele RotharmelNow to answer your questions about the publishing process, the first thing I’d like to point out is my photograph.  I had been ill and quarantined for many years, so I didn’t have an appropriate “headshot.” Knowing that I needed a decent picture, I called in the cavalry. This photograph was taken by my wonderful mother. I was sitting on an upturned bucket in my front yard, trying to look “approachable” and “author-ish.” The wasps were dive bombing my head, and I was trying to keep my smile steady while not getting stung. We took quite a few pictures, and this is the one we chose. I think my mother did a fantastic job with the photography!

* * *

After I received my contract for Time Tsunami, Prism asked me to write a “bio.” Gracious, what a challenge! Who knew that something so simple-sounding could actually be so hard?? I urge you to write your biography and see what I mean. Seriously, how do you convey who you are and what makes you tick in 250 words or less? And if you want an even greater challenge, try conveying the “essence of you” in 100 words! Last week, I faced that particular challenge while getting information together for a blog interview. I have a tendency to be wordy, so believe me, short biographies have been a challenge!! My bio was lots of work, but I’m happy with the result. Here it is, see what you think:


Danele Rotharmel grew up with a love of the literary word, and by age five, she knew she wanted to be a writer. However, her life took an unexpected turn when a mysterious illness brought her close to death. Eventually, she learned that a low-level carbon monoxide leak from a faulty furnace in her home was slowly poisoning her. This poisoning triggered severe chemical sensitivity and partial amnesia.

During this time, the hardest thing she faced was a crisis of faith. She had to quit her job and stop going to church. She couldn’t write, couldn’t drive, and could barely remember who she was. To say she was upset with the Lord was an understatement. She began reexamining her faith in light of her illness, and eventually, she came to the firm conclusion that God is real, God is good, God is interested and involved, and God is trustworthy regardless of tragedy.

When her illness became even more severe, she was put into quarantine and could only talk to friends and extended family through the glass of a window. This quarantine lasted for seven years. During this time, she wrote the first six books in The Time Counselor Chronicles.

Danele currently lives in Colorado where she continues to write. Although her journey back to health was long and difficult, it provided her with the opportunity to grow closer to God and to write her books. For that, she is forever thankful.

* * *

red light burst 1After I competed my biography, the next thing Prism had me do was write a back cover blurb for Time Tsunami. Before receiving my contract, I didn’t realize that authors wrote back cover blurbs. I’m not sure who I thought wrote them—maybe little elves wielding magic pencils. I discovered that I really enjoyed writing my blurb. It was a fun challenge trying to decide what information to reveal. A back cover blurb has to tell enough to hook a reader, but it can’t give too much information away or it will spoil the story. And then there’s that pesky word limit again. You can’t get verbose or your blurb will run right off the book’s cover! Take a look at what I came up with and see what you think. This is what will be printed on the back of my paperbacks:

Time Tsunami (Book 1 of The Time Counselor Chronicles)

space-909717_1920To stop a cruel serial killer, she must travel twenty-four years into the past…

Gil Montgomery, a cadet in the Temporal Counseling Program, can’t wait to pass her field exam and become a professional time surfer. The TEMCO program targets death-row offenders for time-based counseling while they’re children.  For her exam, Gil will travel twenty-four years into the past to counsel ten-year-old Danny Winston before he murders his abusive babysitter, Rick Olsen.  Preventing the stabbing should stop the chain of events leading to Danny’s eventual execution. Gil’s assignment seems simple until her adviser, Dr. William Ableman, learns that Rick is a serial killer targeting Danny’s mother.  If Gil stays and protects the Winstons, she might not survive.  William wants the woman he loves to be pulled from the field, but if Gil fails to complete her assignment, it will unleash a Time Tsunami and destroy the timeline. As TEMCO undergoes an emergency lockdown, and Gil’s fellow cadets try to figure out what’s happening, Gil and William learn the importance of faith and the price of true love. Everyone’s fate is resting in Gil’s hands, but does she have the strength she needs to defeat a ruthless serial killer intent on annihilating everyone in his path? Will she return from the deadly mission…

* * *

Time TsunamiThe next thing on the “to-do” list was sending Joan Alley, Prism Book Group’s editor-in-chief and cover designer, ideas about how I wanted Time Tsunami to look. Joan Alley is a magician when it comes to book covers. I answered her questions about the tone of my book and the characteristics of my main characters. I told her that I wanted my cover to be striking and dramatic. I wanted it to feel suspenseful, dangerous, and like something ominous was about to happen. I also wanted the cover to have a time-travel feel. Take a peek at what Joan came up with! I think she put together the perfect cover! I was so excited when I saw it. Joan worked hard to give me not only what I asked for, but also to go beyond what I’d envisioned and make the cover even better. She even found a cool, funky font that made the title stand out. Joan did a fabulous job! I really love my cover!

* * *

Next, Prism asked me to pick out an excerpt from Time Tsunami to be used for promotional purposes. Let me stop right there and ask you to think back to the last book you read. What type of passage would you choose to showcase? Would you choose a suspenseful scene? A funny scene? One that was romantic or religious? Or would your excerpt simply be part of the first chapter? That was the challenge I faced when it came to my excerpt. My mind went a thousand different directions at once. Finally, I narrowed my choices down to this one. See what you think:

Excerpt: Time Tsunami

        bluelightburst_largeAs a blue glow filled the room, Gil looked through the time portal at William and Director Matthews. Her heart missed a beat. She didn’t know what was going on, but judging by the men’s tense expressions, it wasn’t good.

“Hi, guys, what’s up?” she asked in a deliberately casual tone.

“We’re thinking of pulling you from the field,” William replied.


“Rick’s more dangerous than we thought.”

“I don’t care if he’s Jack the Ripper,” she said flatly. “I’m staying.”

Director Matthews picked up a handful of printouts. “He isn’t Jack the Ripper, but he might as well be. I’ve found evidence that he’s killed at least ten women.”

“I don’t care.”

“You’re facing a serial killer,” William said. “You must realize the seriousness of the situation.”

“I do realize it. You don’t. Today’s Danny’s D-day. If I abandon him, he’s gonna die on death row. I love that kid, and I’m not about to let his life be destroyed. Where’s Dr. Nelson? She’d agree with me.”

“She said it was our decision,” the director replied.

“It’s my decision too, and I’m not about to abandon—”

“It’s not abandonment,” William interrupted. “GAP’s only predicting a fifty percent chance that it’ll make a difference to Danny’s future if you stay. Regardless of your hard work, Daniel Winston may be destined for death row. We’re not risking your life over a hopeless—”

“There’s no way you’re getting me out of here! If there’s a fifty percent chance that Danny can be saved, I’m taking that fifty percent chance. It’s my life I’m risking. Not yours.”

William ran a hand over his face. “We’re all risking a lot.”

“I don’t care. I’m not—”

“Enough of this!” William said harshly. “Let the director speak. When he finishes, we’ll discuss things.”

“Here it is, Gil,” the director said. “Bald facts. Fact number one: Rick’s a serial killer. He strangles women with a red cord and hangs their bodies to mimic suicide. He does his murderous work so well, that unless a coroner’s an expert, the homicide is missed. At this time, it’s impossible to know how many murders Rick’s committed.

“Fact two: Rick’s meticulous and methodical—that means he’s dangerous. He’s undoubtedly been planning to kill Sue for weeks. He’ll already have things set in motion.

“Fact three: GAP’s predicting a 98.8 percent chance that if you stay, you will be hurt. Since Danny has only a fifty percent chance of escaping death row, you’ll be risking your life on a gamble.”

Gil sat quietly for a few moments. “I’ve heard what you’ve said and understood it. Will you respect my decision?”

“Yes,” William replied. “It’s your decision to make.”

“Then my answer’s the same as it was from the beginning. I’m staying. Now, give me all the information you can about what I’m facing, and please do it fast. I don’t have much time, and I need all the help I can get.”

* * *

yellow burstAfter providing Prism Book Group with my information, I began working with my editor, Jacqueline Hopper. Jacqueline checked my manuscript for errors and helped me polish my story. I really enjoyed working with her! After we finished our editing passes, Time Tsunami was sent to a line editor for additional proofreading. After the line edits, a volunteer author—the marvelous Sharon McGregor—gave my book one final look through. After that, my manuscript was formatted for publication.

* * *

This has been such an exciting process!! I want to thank all of my family and friends, and you—my AWESOME blog supporters—for praying for me and cheering me on as I journeyed toward publication. Having Time Tsunami published has been a thrilling experience, and that joy has been made even greater by sharing it with all of you. I hope you have a terrific day! And be on the lookout for Time Tsunami on Friday! I hope you will really love it!

* **

On Friday, January 15th, Time Tsunami may be purchased through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, iBooks, or your local bookstore. It may be bought as a Kindle or Nook e-Book or as a paperback.

Time Tsunami may be pre-ordered today as a Kindle e-Book by simply following this link: Time Tsunami

Time Tsunami may also be pre-ordered today as a Nook e-Book by following this link: