Seeing Clearly

glassesI have a tendency to be silly about some things, and my eyesight is one of them. When I was a child, I was VERY proud that I had excellent vision. I loved the fact that I could soar through eye tests with ease. My pride may have stemmed from the fact that I couldn’t breeze through all of the tests I was given in school. For instance, when I was in elementary school, I actually flunked skipping in gym class. I don’t know why skipping was so hard for me—I just couldn’t get the rhythm down. Anyway, I was very proud that passed all my eye tests and didn’t need glasses.

My terrific vision lasted all the way through college and beyond, but after my carbon monoxide poisoning, things began to change. I was put into quarantine, and whether it was the carbon monoxide exposure, my problems with chemical sensitivity, or the fact that I was writing for hours at my computer, my eyesight began to fail.

There’s a picture of cabin with a crooked fence post in my living room. When I realized my eyesight was getting worse, I became obsessed with that cabin. Every day, I would stand in front of the picture and then slowly back up. I measured how far I could back away and still see the crooked fence post. It was horribly distressing when I realized that my distance vision was getting worse and worse. Each day, I had to get closer to the picture to see the fence post clearly. Immediately, I began to pray. I beat against the gates of Heaven, asking God to restore my vision. Just like when I was put into quarantine, I struggled against what was happening. I fought it. I tried to deny it. I tried to ignore it. But believe it or not, some things don’t change just because you want them to.

Glasses. Ick!!!

I hated my new glasses. I hated my failing vision. I was NOT content with the situation. I was NOT grateful that my vision could be corrected. I was miserable that it had to be corrected in the first place. And even with glasses, my vision continued to decline. I was NOT happy with God. I figured if He didn’t heal the big thing (my chemical sensitivity), He could have at least healed the little thing—my eyes. Even after I got glasses, I continued checking my vision against the cabin picture. I kept hoping that maybe things would turn around, but they didn’t.

After several years of mental turmoil, you’d think I would’ve become accustomed to my glasses, but I didn’t. To me, they were a sign of defeat…at least they were until something amazing happened.

binder clipsWhen I edit my novels, I do most of my editing on computer, but sometimes I use a printed manuscript. I have a table set aside for manuscript editing. On the table is a cup of red pens and yellow highlighters, and on the rim of the cup is a binder clip.

One day, I was really stewing about my glasses. I stewed about the way my glasses felt on my nose. I stewed about the way my glasses made me look in the mirror. I stewed about how God didn’t heal my vision when He OBVIOUSLY had the ability. Basically, I was acting snotty toward God, and I was spending my day grumbling, and griping, and feeling nasty.

Finally deciding that I’d better get to work on my manuscript, I grabbed a red pen from the cup. The pen hit the binder clip, and the binder clip dislodged from the cup’s rim, sprang up, and hit the lens of my glasses. The impact was so hard that it knocked my head back. It happened so fast that didn’t have time to blink or react.

I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I picked up the binder clip and stared at it.

I’d heard stories about a boy losing his vision when he was hit in the eye by a cookie. The cookie hit with such force that it caused irreparable damage, and eventually, his eyeball had to be surgically removed.

I stared at the binder clip some more. The clip had hit my glasses with incredible force. If I hadn’t been wearing glasses, the clip would’ve hit me square in the eye.

Sitting there, holding that binder clip in my hand, I realized something amazing. My glasses were a BLESSING. Not only were they helping me see better—they had just protected me from something awful. Sitting there, holding that clip, I asked myself a question: Could God have ignored my prayers about my glasses because He knew that if I wasn’t wearing them, I might have lost an eye???? Standing there, holding that clip, I had to admit it was possible.

I don’t know why some things happen. I don’t know why some prayers go unanswered. But one thing I do know—now, when I look at my glasses, I don’t feel angry. I don’t feel upset. I don’t feel cheated. I feel very, very content. I also feel very, very grateful.

pretty skyFor my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

16 thoughts on “Seeing Clearly

  1. How prone we all are to grumbling and grousing. Just this morning I thanked God for His patience and not wiping us all off the globe with the back of His hand for our obstinate ways. I don’t think we have the capacity to digest and comprehend the fact that God has a plan, a perfect plan for our lives that encompasses each tiny detail, situation, and action that will occur to His children–even the bad stuff.

    Oh Lord, give us insight and help us see and trust and rejoice in the details You hold in the power of Your Almighty Hand. Great blog, Danele. Help me remember, Lord.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear DiAne, thank you so much for your wonderful comment. You are right–God does have a perfect plan for a lives! And isn’t it awesome to think that His plan is always surrounded by His never ending love? ❤ That makes me so happy! Thank you for sharing your heart! I hope you have a wonderful day, DiAne!


    1. Wow! That’s so true! I love how God can take even a pair of disliked glasses and use them as an instrument of His Grace! Thank you so much for commenting! I hope you have a lovely day! ❤ 🙂


  2. Joyce - Heartwings

    Such a good lesson you provided through your “grumpy” message. I love the other comments here as well. DiAne’s got my attention – it is amazing He hasn’t given up on His children – we truly can be obstinate and do not deserve His mercy.

    I am thankful your glasses saved your eye. Boy, did He make a clear statement to you! I, too, get them from time to time – loud and clear. His abiding patience with me is overwhelming to me at times. I just look up and say, “I, know that was You” – and thank Him for His tender care. He is so very loving and merciful. j

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Joyce, thank you so much for your lovely message! I am so glad that you enjoyed this post. I agree that God’s tender care is absolutely wonderful! I hope you have a terrific day! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! 🙂 ❤


  3. Renette Steele

    Thank you Danele for your in sight on sight.
    Sounds like your glasses and GOD helped you see clearly in more ways then one. Isn’t that just like Him?
    I ‘ve been told I used to pretend I wore glasses to make me look smarter. When I did finally need them for real to read i was teaching school, couldn’t walk with them on and couldn’t correct papers with them off. So had to go with bifocals. LOL
    My hubby needs bifocals as much as i do, but he still says he is to young for them. He has worn glasses from third grade on, I am much younger then he and have worn Bifocals for about 15 years LOL.

    @2Cor. 4: 16-18
    Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

    Love and hugs and may your day be blessed with HIs SONshine!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Renette, you’re so awesome! Thanks for your fun comment and for the lovely verse. When I was a kid, I used to pretend I was wearing high heels. I walked on my tiptoes ALL the time. When I grew up, I was too tall to wear them and to klutzy to try. LOL. 🙂 It’s funny how things change. Thanks so much for commenting. You made me smile. 🙂


  4. Ann Ellison

    Another wonderful post. There are definitely some times in my life too I was better off because I didn’t get the prayers answered I was praying.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post, Ann! And I agree–I’m so grateful that God hasn’t answered some of my prayers. I look back now at some of the things I really, really wanted and shudder. LOL! I’m so glad that God is a WISE Father. 🙂


  5. Danele, I so appreciated your words. I really needed to hear them and be reminded that HIS ways are NOT my ways. You are right. We may never know why God does things the way He does, this side of heaven. But we can always be assured that all we are told to do is TRUST Him. That should be assurance enough, shouldn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Petra, I’m so glad that you enjoyed my blog post! It’s hard to understand why things happen the way that they do, but I agree with you–trust in God should be assurance enough. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! 🙂 I hope you have a really wonderful day!


  6. Margaret Kazmierczak

    Great post Danele, hindsight it a wonderful thing. God is so amazing in how He threads gold through our life. That is why He is an incredible Writer. It is always so interesting when we figure out why things happen and look back at the trail of gold thread God has embroidered in our lives.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Margaret, I’m so glad that you enjoyed my post. And you are right–hindsight is wonderful. There have been so many times when I haven’t understood why things happen the way that they do. That’s why I try to cling so tightly to Romans 8:28–the fact that all things eventually do work out for our good is so comforting. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I hope you have a wonderful day!


  7. Elaine Vierling

    Oh!!! What a wonderful message to start this beautiful Sunday morning! It IS amazing how God can turn what we believe to be the terrible things into blessings and good for our lives. Thanks so much for this inspiring message.

    Liked by 1 person

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